Vegas...from Matt's camera
Boarding the plane!!!
I try to remind him that he is 30 now, and doesn't need to be playing Final Fantasy on a PSP.
We've only been in Vegas for 10 minutes, and he's already not listening to the rules.
I love seeing Palm trees!! The light is from the Luxor Casino, for those of you who don't know...
Astronauts can see this light from space.
Matt and I wishing we were really on a bridge on a partly cloudy day in Paris.
Probably not going to happen with my fear of international travel.
The view that Matt and his parents got to see from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Matt's parent asked him to pick a restaurant for his birthday dinner. He said he would really like to try "Mix," a restaurant 400 feet above the strip. They thought it sounded great, so we made reservations. Keep in mind, that I have already freaked out on the Eiffel Tower platform, and now I am expected to eat a nice dinner on a balcony 400 feet up. I think Matt's step dad, Steve, knew I wasn't going to "complain" or "ruin" Matt's dinner, so he asked if we could sit away from the railing, and I was SO grateful! Our dinner was FABULOUS!!! I can't think of any other word. We got 2 desserts to share, and coffee, and the baker came out with something yummy that was fresh and still in the cooking pan warm for the Birthday Boy and his guests... to bad I can't remember what they were called. When the bill came, Matt caught a quick sneak, and then today I confirmed the price on it (it was on his mom's kitchen counter).
After tip.....are you ready?....sitting down?
For 4 people to eat. And all I drank was water!
That was definatly a once in a lifetime experience for me!
I don't think that will EVER happen again in my life.
The picture below is a view from our table.
I won't name names.
My first shot of Whiskey!
ps...don't ya love my tan lines??
Are you jealous of the 4o cents that Matt pulled out of the "ebay" machine or the 5 cents that I pulled out?
We went to a little Irish Pub (which was inside a huge Casino), and everyone else was getting whiskey! I thought I would be looked at weird if I ordered a glass of white wine.
I'm glad we were in Vegas where you can take your drinks with you ANYWHERE!
It took me about 2 hours and 3 glasses of water to finish the 1 shot.
So for those of you who don't know, Keaton was named Dinosaur Rex, before he was born.
We put some $$ in this machine hoping it would be good luck...nope.
We did a little better playing craps.
I just think it's funny to bring your family to Vegas.
I guess if your kids were over 21.
When I think of "family" I think of parents and small children.
$45 in nickels!
Leave it to the 1/2 Vietnamese girl to find a Pho restaurant!
I think it is safe to say that 4 out of 4 people were intoxicated in this picture.
We were standing outside waiting for a cab, and our neighbor Cal saw a limo waiting outside the door. He kindly asked the doorman how much the limo was, and when the driver said $35 to the place we wanted to go, Cal said "Take us there!" Cal and Debbie have much better pictures! This was the only one that came out on Matt's camera. I need to practice using it more so I can figure out all of the settings. The best part about the limo ride was definitely Cal rolling down the window at a stop sign and saying, "Ladies." And ALL the ladies in hearing range on the strip started screaming like he was some big rock star! Ahhh, Vegas!
Matt, stop looking up the man's skirt.
Finally! I got to go shop!
Daddy and Parker getting our luggage off the carousal at the airport.
In conclusion...
I had fun (I usually do on any vacation), but I am happy to be home again. I don't need to go to Vegas again for at least 5 years. It will probably be totally different by then!
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